Thursday, July 16, 2009


Originally uploaded by inverted reptile
I haven't really been paying adequate attention to the garden, and really haven't since the end of June or so. Its at the phase where I can mostly leave it alone and let it grow. I've been watering the stuff that is least well-grown, mostly my peppers and the watermelon. It's been raining enough that I can mostly get away with it. Here's my corn patch. You can see the bean climbing in the foreground, and the squash blossom deep in the middle. The red corn in the foreground is the same early maturer I've posted pics of before. Now the squashes are as tall as it, and the tallest corn are a good seven or eight feet--higher than I can reach at the tip of the tassel.

Now, I have been told that you shouldn't start corn indoors, because it doesn't like being transplanted. Or maybe it's just traditional to plant them out because it's less labor. Anyway, it is epically bigger and more mature than any other corn in the neighborhood, which is mostly knee high right now. Either my yard is somehow magically condusive to corn like it seems to be to tomato volunteers, or starting it on April 1 indoors is truly the way to go. Makes me wish I had more of it.

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